Monday, August 2, 2010

Syracuse Arts & Crafts Festival

Well, the much anticipated weekend has past. It was a PERFECT weekend for the show. The weather was EXCELLENT! The folks that were around me at the Plymouth Church location were wonderful new acquaintances. People spent loads of time looking and wondering what this thing called felt was... I did do demonstrating all weekend and completed 2 eyeglass cases and nearly finished a great troll. It is amazing to me that more people are familiar with knitting and throwing it in the washing machine to full the piece and call it felting. I guess we can thank instant crafts for this misnomer.

Felters Unite! We must get the word out - felt is the manipulation for fleece from fiber animals - mostly by hand and is the oldest means of creating fabric known to humankind... Felt must be introduced as an excellent, beautiful, and even "green" art form!!!

1 comment:

  1. and an addicting & scrumptious one! your work is fabulous! it was wonderful to see you again, my friend...Linda
